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Reliability & Tree Trimming

You depend on us to deliver your power reliably. And we take your trust seriously.

AEP Texas is constantly working to improve reliability by minimizing the number and length of outages, and the number of customers affected by each outage.

Of course, outages occur for a variety of reasons, including lightning, ice storms and animals. But one of the most common causes of power outages is tree limbs falling across power lines. Just one tree limb can knock out electric service to dozens of families up to several miles away. In fact, a single tree initiated a power outage in 2003 for over 50 million Americans and Canadians from the Midwest to the East Coast.

That's why AEP Texas has a comprehensive program to manage trees and brush that grow around power lines - and it has been shown to be effective at improving the reliability of our service to you.

To learn more about AEP Texas's plans, and why vegetation management is so important - check out the brochure "Understanding Line Clearing Efforts".

We also have specific guidelines for tree clearing and right of way maintenance on our high-voltage transmission lines to help ensure the reliability of the regional power network. You can learn more about what we do, and why we do it, by reading our brochure on Transmission Right of Way Clearing and Maintenance.

And to learn how you can play an important part by planting the right tree in the right place, visit these websites.

System Maintenance
Many online functions, like login and outage reporting, won't be available from 10:00 PM - 10:10 PM ET on Saturday, 5/18.

If you have an urgent issue, please call our Customer Operations Center at 877.373.4858.